Clean Enough to be Healthy, 
Dirty Enough to be Happy

As someone with ADHD, mess is inevitable. Along with that can come shame and stress at the inability to keep the house tidy. But home is still home, no matter what state it’s in.My desire was to explore spaces that are familiar to us all but in different ways. We’ve all been in a kitchen or heard traffic outside the window, but here you can see what my kitchen is like and hear how the cars sound outside my bedroom window.

Using a combination of video, audio, and projection mapping, this project welcomes you into my home to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, home is calm, quiet, and serene. Other times, it’s loud, messy, and chaotic.

By layering the video audio, I aimed to create an overwhelming experience that mirrors how ADHD can make you easily feel inundated by even a small number of tasks or stimuli. Each video is projected onto a separate surface, suspended a few inches away from the wall using fishing wire, taking inspiration from the style of Sarah Sze’s installations, to bring the different parts of the house together in one place.

This project was made using TouchDesigner and Kantan Mapper.